The above details are true and complete. We Enclose with this application a sample of our company letterhead. I / We the undersigned, being a director / directors of the applicant company jointly and severally guarentee performance of all the company's financial obligations to Oadby Building Plastics Ltd.
I am duly authorised by the applicant business to enter into this agreement on its behalf. We agree that payment of your invoices will be made strictly in accordance with the credit terms of 30 days. We recognisethat if payment of your invoices is not made by the due date for payment, it will result in the matter being referred to the Credit Protection Association for recovery of the invoice debt; if so, we agree to indemnify you against the cost you incur in referring the matter to CPA to pursue the debt including CPA's current applicable fees for writing to us,any commission payable by you to CPA, all reasonable incidental costs of recovering the debt and interest as applicable.
We understand that as a part of your assessment of us for the granting of credit, you will send details of our application to CPA On-Line Limited who will search databases to which it has access. It may also search credit reference agency for information relating to us (and in case of a non-limited business,also relating to the proprietors). I also Authorise our bankers to provide an opinion as to our suitability for the requested credit.